
Iroh commands are the primary API for interacting with an iroh node, implemented in numerous languages. This reference covers what commands do, with code examples.

Running the examples

Each language has it's own environment-specific setup that's assumed in each example:

The console is the best way to learn the API without writing code, and serves double duty as a diagnostics tool when you're building applications. It's a read-evaluate-print loop (REPL) that communicates with an iroh node for realtime updates.

For a tour of the console check out the quickstart. Start the console with the iroh console command:

$ iroh console

Document Commands

Commands for managing & manipulating documents

doc switch

Set the active document (only works within the Iroh console)

doc new

Create a new blank document

doc join

Join a document from a ticket

doc list

List documents on this node

doc share

Share a document with peers

doc set

Set an entry in a document

doc get

Get entries in a document

doc keys

List all keys in a document

Author Commands

Author commands manage document editors & viewers.

author switch

Set the active author for doc insertion (only works within the console)

author list

List authors

author create

Create a new author

Blob Commands

Blobs are content-addressed objects.

blob add

Add data from PATH to the running provider's database

blob share

Download data to the running provider's database and provide it

blob list blobs

List the available blobs on the running provider

blob list incomplete-blobs

List the blobs on the running provider that are not full files

blob list collections

List the available collections on the running provider

blob validate

Validate hashes on the running node